Remembrance Sunday

Yesterday, I joined up with old comrades for Remembrance Sunday service at the Garden of Remembrance, Westminster, where we remembered the contribution of Rhodesians in conflicts from the Boer War to Malaya and, of course, our own bush war against ZIPRA and ZANLA, 1972 – 1980. With the strains of Elgar drifting over from the main ceremony in Whitehall, it was a moving experience. Afterwards, we went to lunch in Lambeth and got properly refreshed as is the custom.

blessing of the colours
Blessing of the Colours.

Remembrance Sunday service
Remembrance Sunday service, Rhodesia contingent

3 thoughts on “Remembrance Sunday

  1. Mike thanks, you must a 25 pdr there for the colour. Which colours are there.
    Some place is a area which units have. The 14 th Army which fought in Burma has a very nice set up. Only unit not there is RAR. I have never been, my sister never failed to go when she was in the U.K.

  2. Thank You Gentlemen. It is much appreciated by all who served. May our friends and comrades ( in the true sense of the word ) rest in peace.

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