Agreeable Breakfast

russ willey and mike paterson
Russ and Mike

After several false starts, co-authors of this blog Russ Willey and your correspondent finally managed to hook up in South Ealing to spend several pleasant hours yakking about London history (and pinball!) and for Russ to sign copies for his excellent book Chambers London Gazetteer for some of our members. The Gazetteer is becoming quite hard to obtain of late (persist!), but Russ’s newer title, Brewer’s Dictionary of London Phrase and Fable came out in its paperback edition at the end of October. Russ is too much of a gentleman to plug his own books here, so I shall do it for him: they are throroughly researched, absorbing to read and have an excellent lightness of touch usually lacking in reference works. In short, your London history bookshelf is incomplete without them!
Russ is hard at work on his latest book, the contents of which are under wraps for the moment.
P.S. This is a very grim picture of me, belying my innate cheerfulness: blame the cafe owner.

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