On This Day

You will have noticed, I hope, the On This Day item on the web site.  I know that there are many “On This Days” out there and that the idea isn’t startingly original, but I like them and I think others do too. The difference of course, is that our one will be focused on London. But to make this work, we need a newsworthy, London-related  item from the past for every day of the year. Still, not too hard, so I thought. So far, I have spent many hours building the On This Day spreadsheet. One of the reasons it takes so long is that one finds really  interesting incidents and then heads off on a tangent reading them up. Hours of unalloyed fun flash by.
Right now we have just under half of the calendar days filled. Some have three or four separate items. Others are a bit of a struggle; expect for example, on the 16th of this month to discover that Marc Bolan died in a car accident in 1977. Worse still, many days remain blank. Try as I might, it seems to me that over several millenia, on certain calendar days, nothing much interesting happened in London. For September, I have still to populate 9th to 15th and 20th to 25th. So, London historians,  if you know of any, please let me know via comments or admin@londonhistorians.org.

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