Best of Recent Blogs – #17

My blog discovery of the week (thanks to the blogger himself contacting me) is Turnip Rail who writes detailed and interesting posts about the development of the railways. Let’s start with this:
Making a Mess of a Station – Extending Waterloo Station in 1878 and 1885 by Turnip Rail
Keats House, Hampstead: an architectural and artistic re-build by Suzie Grogan
The Man Who Saved the Midland Grand Hotel by The Great Wen
Old Kent Road and the Hangman by Caroline’s Miscellany
The Ghost of Buildings Past: Carlton House guest post by the excellent Patrick Baty at Georgian London
Curious London Memorials: The Bard or Not the Bard by Exploring London
Isaac ‘Ikey’ Solomon – Privates and the Prince of Thieves by Songs from the Howling Sea
The Execution of Thomas Seymour by the Anne Boleyn Files
Elizabeth I’s Early Life – Illegitimate Siblings by the Elizabeth Files
Shot in Lambeth by Lee Jackson

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