Christmas Fairs

Charity Christmas Fairs are a good way to gain access to historical buildings while getting some Christmas shopping sorted out. There is normally an entrance charge which is the equivalent of what you would have to pay anyway, and you may get a glass of mulled wine or similar thrown in. A particularly good one that we attended last year was Save the Children event at the Banqueting House, a highly significant historical building with fickle opening hours. This year, their event is on Tuesday 6th of December, which annoyingly clashes with our monthly pub meeting. But it’s open from 1pm, so easy to do both. Entry is £8. More information here.

banqueting house london
Banqueting House. A great place to shop.

Another one that looks excellent is the Wellbeing of Women Christmas Fair at the Drapers’ Hall on 5 December. Entry is £5. They have a three for £10 offer until 25 November. More information here.

If you get wind of any more of these sorts of events, let me know and I’ll update this post.

Thanks to Jo of Westminster Walking for this one at the Guildhall:

“The Red Cross are doing one at the Guildhall open to the public on 29 November 10.30-8pm. Entrance £5 including a glass of wine which doesn’t seem bad. Same day as History in the Pub though! Tickets available for preview day on 28th but a bit more pricey – £30! ”

Update 29.11.2011
Another one from the ever-vigilant Jo of Westminster Walking, this time Middle Temple Hall on 8 December.
“I’ve just discovered another Christmas Fair – this time in Middle Temple Hall on Thursday 8th December 12-8pm. It’s £5 entrance but worth visiting even just to see the interior.”

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