Recommended Reading

I find I have hopeless writer’s block. I had in mind to write about George Jennings, the Victorian sanitary engineer who died on 17 April in 1882, but discovered that the Victorinanist covered it very nicely about a year ago.  So I shall have a trawl around my unafflicted blogging chums.

First stop, as usual: Caroline’s Miscellany. Ah, good posts on ghost signs and architecture. This site now has a Facebook group: do follow. Check out Criminal London on Wilberforce, the Marshalsea and a large brothel. The Great Wen on Bowie, Burroughs and more sleuthing on London railings.

Library Time Machine delivers the goods every time – astounding pictures and great writing – if you haven’t heard of Edward Linley Sambourne, Punch cartoonist and 1906 papp, read this.

Is it my imagination or is there much Tudor  goings on of late? Books, telly. On the blogs side, nice piece here about Shakespeare’s lost years by Mathew Lyons. Anne Boleyn Files has been extremely productive of late.

How do we shoe-horn Titanic in here? Turnip Rail has done an interesting post about the doomed liner and the London and South Weestern railway.

Two blogs I  have recently added to the list here and warmly commend to you are the TheLondonphile and the blog of the Wellcome Library.

There. Sorry for deserving blogs I have missed out. I’m hoping this will act as a pump-priming exercise and I can offer you something worthy of my own soon.

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