Recent Blog Posts of Note #5

A rich mix this week. Most, but not all, of these are linked directly from this blog, in the right column. The Diary of Samuel Pepys and Lee Jackson’s Cat’s Meat Soup ought to be read daily. The former has terrific hot-link popups with useful info that add context. And Lee often posts several times a day with a rich and eclectic mix of diagrams, photos and quotes, often amusing.
From the Archives: The Silvertown Explosion by Caroline’s Miscelleny
The Bank of England in Ruins by Georgian London
Pray Get Me a Glass of Brandy… by the Artist’s Progress
(full pdf of this, with illustrations, here (Sketches of Married Life))
Working Children of the 19th Century by Victorianist
Bonfire Night in the 1880s by Victorianist
Look What They Found in Ye Olde Tudor Family Attic (Part 2) by Tudor Tutor
The Diary of Samuel Pepys for 6 November 1667   is a particularly rich entry
Aldersgate Underground Bomb by Lee Jackson
Coldbath Fields by Lee Jackson

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