Become a Founder Member. Last chance!

fun with london  historiansLondon Historians is around 11 months old now. We’ve held some excellent fun and educational events and forged friendships. We’ve helped to support one another’s projects. We’ve built solid relationships with many of London’s historical institutions. Feedback suggests that members enjoy the monthly newsletter with two original articles by historians and the win a signed book competition. Our monthly pub meetings at Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese in Fleet Street are tremendous fun. Fun, friendship and knowledge, that’s what it’s all about. I’d like to thank readers of this blog for supporting us, regardless of whether you’re a member or not. It’s been a wonderful adventure so far for me personally.
We are heading rapidly towards 200 members with the aim to turn this into at least 1,000. At the end of August I shall be lowering the shutters, raising the drawbridge and mixing my metaphors on Founder Member status. I confess that I still haven’t figured out what this should mean in terms of benefit. Because LH is of the members, by the members, for the members, I’m reluctant to differentiate too much between Founder Members and those who come afterwards and get into an Us and Them situation. But one likes to be in at the beginning of something worthy, and I’d like to think that in future years, when London Historians is a far greater creature than it is today, that you’ll be happy that you were there at the beginning, and have your Founder Member card to prove it.
So if you’ve been thinking about joining us, please do so this month. We’d love to have  you along on our adventures into London’s fabulous history.
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fun with london  historiansfun with london historans

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