Best of Recent Blogs #15

Quite by accident, I happened across a wonderful London blog the other evening. It’s not especially historical, though there is a lot of history content. What marks this blog out is the wonderful photography coupled with quality writing – elegant, even. It’s run by photographer Stephanie Wolff and it’s called London-In-Sight. Another great find this week, a blog which focuses on 20th Century London history: Another Nickel in the Machine.
St Bartholomew’s: hospital, church, museum, art gallery… and film set by London-In-Sight
Did the Woodvilles Raid the Royal Treasury? by Susan Higginbotham at The History Files
The Prostitutes’ Padre Harold Davidson and the Lyons Corner House in Coventry Street by Another Nickel in the Machine
A family album and a mystery solved by The Swan Circle
Hansom Cab Rank by Caroline’s Miscellany
Nine Inches North by Caroline’s Miscellany
Thou shalt be burned with them in Hell Fire by Dainty Ballerina
“The caterpillar on the leaf of reputation” by Ade Teal, guest post on Georgian London
The philanthropist, the hole in the wall and the cat walker by SilverTiger
Horatio Bottomley by Songs from the Howling Sea (a particular gem this week)
Catherine Parr – the Old Nursemaid by the Anne Boleyn Files
Anne Boleyn’s Ladies in Waiting by the Anne Boleyn Files
Some Notes on Ladies’ Shops by the Victorianist
“What in the Name of Thunder?” by Lee Jackson, but lots of good recent ones at his blog, The Cat’s Meat Shop.

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