Open House London – Let's Do It

Shamefully, I’ve only done this once, quite a while ago. Checked out the Foreign and Commonwealth Office among other things. Splendid. Years pass by, not paying attention, there’s always something else going on, excuses, london banner
Not this time. We’d like to invite you to join us on an official unofficial London Historians unguided stroll about town on Sunday 19 September. Here is the itinerary as it stands right now:
   10:00: meet somewhere and go check out some sites.
   Stop somewhere for lunch.
   Check out some more sites.
   Go to the pub.
I will flesh this out over the next several days. Meantime, please contact us if you’d like to join in and do make suggestions for sites you’d like to visit. Personally, I’d love to see Henry VIII’s wine cellar underneath the Ministry of Defence, not even sure if it’s included in Open House, hope so.
Meantime, please let us know if you’re interested, here, or mail

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