Mark My Cart

cart marking 2011Today saw the ancient cart-marking ceremony which takes place at the Guildhall every year. It is held by the Worshipful Company of Carmen, who represent hauliers, public transport and other commercial road vehicles. From medieval times, commercial vehicles were limited by number within the City and licensed with a brass plaque. In modern times, this became impractical but the ceremony is still undertaken each year, involving about 50 vehicles, ancient and modern. It involves the Lord Mayor of London or his representative branding a letter on a plank of wood on the side of each vehicle. This year’s letter is “T”. Some of the carts are modern monsters by the likes of Scania. But most are historical vehicles, including horse and carriage, buses, steam traction engines, taxis and lorries. For added novelty value we had a fork lift truck.
Much fur and scarlet livery was in evidence as the Lord Mayor’s representative, Lord Levene, did the honours. The vehicles were immaculate and the whole ceremony was a load of fun.
cart marking 2011

cart marking 2011
The prettiest of the buses.

cart marking 2011
cart marking 2011
cart marking 2011
A steam powered lorry from the 1930s. Very quiet, not too smoky, smelled lovely.

cart marking 2011
Monty’s Roller.

cart marking 2011
Cockney geezer. This fellow ostentatiously lit a ciggy before presenting himself to the dignitaries. Top man.

cart marking 2011

2 thoughts on “Mark My Cart

  1. Must have things like this, and to see them as well. TV should show this type of thing as well as the problems of the world. Liked the cig bit.

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