Mr Punch in London Town IV: the Police

More from the pages of Mr Punch in London Town by the New Punch Library.
The first is by Fougasse, pen-name of Kenneth Bird (1887 – 1965), a WWI veteran who was the first cartoonist to become editor of Punch.

cartoons from punch
"I say, Sergeant, I can't get into my house." "Sure it's the right house, Sir?" "Well, it's the right key." - by fougasse

Our next item is a fingerprint gag. Scotland Yard’s fingerprint bureau had been set up in 1901. George Belcher (1875 – 1947) was a prolific cartoonist and also a Royal Academician.
cartoons from punch
"Good gracious, Mrs. Tumkins! Wot ever can Mrs. 'Awkins 'ave done?" "Nothin', I'm sure. I've always found 'er a lidy to 'er very finger-prints." - by George Belcher

Another laugh at the expense of the working classes, this cartoon reminds us that both cops and crooks had a shared background and are here probably about to close ranks against their social superior.
cartoons from punch
BILL SIKES (suddenly dropping on policeman having a quite smoke). "'Ands up! Both of 'em, or I fire! What! 'aving a nice quiet smoke on duty, was yer?" P.C. XYZ. "Sh! Don't talk so loud, yer fool! 'Ere comes the Inspector. You'll get us both into trouble!" - by R. Jasper Weird

3 thoughts on “Mr Punch in London Town IV: the Police

    1. Excellent, thanks. His exhibition at the Cartoon Museum a little while ago was a joy. This cartoon doesn’t really tell us about the minimalist style that he developed, quite the opposite in fact, but is nonetheless clearly evidenced by his treatment of the householder’s face. Saw some nice fougasse work in London Transport Museum’s poster collection last Saturday.

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