Over 600 Perish in Woolwich Pleasure Boat Disaster

Today is the anniversary of this massive tragedy which occurred 132 years ago.
We all remember the horrific Marchioness disaster of 20 August 1989 when 51 young revellers lost their lives after the pleasure boat was struck by the dredger Bowbelle and sank instantly. But apart from those directly involved, the memories of the incident are fading. We’re somewhere in the timeline of the Marchioness story between traumatic news headlines and historical footnote.

SS Princess Alice
The saloon steam boat Princess Alice. © National Maritime Museum, London

Small wonder then that few will have heard of the Princess Alice disaster of 3 September 1878, similar in many ways to the Marchioness affair, but with over 12 times the number of casualties. It remains Britain’s worst public transport disaster in either peacetime or war. As many as 650 people lost their lives when the vessel was smashed in two in broad daylight by the BywellCastle, an 890 ton steam collier departing London after a lick of paint at Millwall Dry Dock.
The paddle steamer sank in under four minutes.
The known facts are these. Princess Alice was carrying day trippers on a journey from London Bridge to Gravesend and Sheerness via Woolwich and back again. The fare was a not inexpensive two shillings. On the return leg, at about 7:45 pm, she was about to drop passengers off in Woolwich while the Bywell Castle, was heading downriver to pick up her next consignment of coal from Newcastle. The coal ship’s skipper, Captain Harrison, accompanied by an experienced river pilot, was following traditional Thames routes rather than obeying the new portside-to-portside regulations of 1872. When the boats became dangerously close to each other, what followed was a classic chain of misinterpreting what the other party was attempting to do, until a collision became inevitable. Despite her engines running in full reverse, Bywell Castle struck Princess Alice on the starboard side with such force that the pleasure steamer split in two and began to sink rapidly.
Bywell Castle did its best to rescue survivors, assisted by vessels scrambled from the shore. But many were trapped inside Princess Alice and of course, few people could swim back then. To make matters worse, the water was highly contaminated by 30 tons of raw sewage, the local sluices having been opened just an hour beforehand. Yuck.
People complain nowadays about ghoulish and sensationalist reporting of disasters, but as now, so it was then. Reporters flooded into Woolwich and remained for weeks afterwards as bodies continued to be recovered. “Our man at the scene”, reporter W. T. Vincent of the Kentish Independent, was inundated with requests for frequent news wires from newspapers further afield.

 “Telling the Dread News.—It was near midnight when I reached the post office with my budget of adversity. I had previously warned the telegraph clerks, as agents of the press are privileged to do, and they were ready.”

His slightly self-important, first-hand summary – in wonderfully mawkish Victorian style – can be found here.

princess alice flag
The Princess Alice’s flag, held at the Thames River Police museum in Wapping.

Most bodies were recovered and identified within seven days. According to W. T. Vincent “a dozen or so” bodies could not be identified, although other reports put the number as much, much higher. 120 of the victims were buried in rows at Woolwich cemetery behind a memorial cross in the Irish style, which was paid for by sixpenny subscription from over 23,000 donors.
Irish style memorial cross
The memorial cross at Woolwich Cemetery

The official inquest of the disaster lasted over 30 days; the jurors took more than 10 hours through the night to reach a majority verdict which found against the Princess Alice. Another jury in Millwall found against the Bywell and the Admiralty Court opined that both vessels were blameworthy – “the net result was of questionable value.”
Many safety measures were put into place soon after the disaster. The port-to-port rule was enforced on the river; sewage outlets were moved much further downstream; limits were placed on passenger numbers;  legislation was passed in 1880 for adequate lifebelts on ships; watertight bulkheads were introduced in ship design.
How many survived and how many died? Estimates remain horribly vague. Survivors have been numbered between 69 and 150, although it seems 120-150 to be closer to the mark. Contemporary estimates put 700 passengers on board and 150 survivors, leaving 550 dead. But W. T. Vincent pointed out at the time that the totals from two separate inquests alone numbered around 590 deaths.  Subsequent estimates of the total on board have gone up to 750. Taking this into account and the fact that Vincent’s estimate only included known dead i.e. excluding those never recovered, it is probably safe to say that the total fatalities were over 600, which seems now to be the accepted tally.
Disaster model
© National Maritime Museum, London

There is a dramatic model of the disaster at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich and many pictures at the portcities.org web site (below).
 Mike Paterson

17 thoughts on “Over 600 Perish in Woolwich Pleasure Boat Disaster

  1. There is also a model of SS Princess Alice with an accompanying explanation of the disaster in the London Transport Museum, Covent Garden.
    Greenwich Heritage Centre keeps a box file of photocopied press-cutttings etc from 1878 plus a copy of the only book I have found so far which deals with the event at any length: ‘With Disastrous Consequences – London Disasters 1830-1917’ by Wendy Neal, Hisarlik Press 1992 (pages 1-28).
    I have a black-edged memorial card which my grandfather saved from the period, his father having played an important part in rescuing survivors and retrieving bodies from the water. He lived in the Foreman’s Quarters adjacent to one of the Royal Arsenal’s Powder Magazines right by Tripcock Point where the fatal collision occurred.

  2. I believe the ship was one of two plying the Themes from London tower to Southend or Gravesend within that company. My family story had it that my ancestor escaped the desaster because he worked on the other ship but at the time caused an awful panic in the family until the full story unfolded. My family name is Peskett and all were employed on the river throughout the century as watermen ,lightermen or river pilots.

  3. I have come across a headstone within an old disused local cemetery here in Aberdeen (St fitticks Church in Torry) It states that Donald Kennedy lost his life on the SS Princess Alice, yet when I look at the passenger list, especially of the deceased his name does not appear? How did his name come be left off the list of dead?

  4. IS there a list of passengers who died in this accident. I am looking for a person who may have been onboard having died with his son after a paddle steamer accident.

  5. Is there a list of passengers who died in this accident? I am looking for a person who may have been onboard having died with his son after a paddle steamer accident.

      1. Many thanks Mike for your quick reply. I will contact the local Studies in Woolwich and see if they have any more information.

  6. I wonder if Frederick Whomes organist & mason who drowned in the disaster was my great grandfather & referred to in the newspaper article, I know we originated in the Woolich area?

  7. I and my cousins are descendants of Robert Haines, our great great great grandfather, the only band member to survive the disaster. He was still on deck and only three feet away from where the Bywell Castle struck. I found his 12 page witness statement to the inquest at The London Metrapolitan Archive amongst the 9 volumes of statements. There are a number of original documents relating to the disaster to view and the Archive is free to join. Staff are very helpful and you can also use the Ancestry site for free there too.

  8. One of my mother’s family was a waterman at the time and in the early morning after the disaster, picked up what he initially thought was a bundle of days but was a baby, boyed up by petticoats. What was alive. He took her to the police who weren’t interested so he and his wife, being childless, brought her up as their own. They called her Alice.

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