Steaming New Year

kew bridge steam museumKew Bridge Steam Museum’s Grand New Year Steam Up is over for another year. I popped down there this afternoon. The treat this time is a London fire engine from the 1860s which the museum’s volunteers have just restored. Today they had it inside the front gate and it was chugging away to the manner born, a riot of scarlet and gleaming brass. It is a ‘London Vertical Brigade Steamer’, built for the Metropolitan Fire Brigate by Shand Mason & Company of Blackfriars Road. The appliance was sold on to the Southwark and Vauxhall Water Works Co in 1876, from which time its role was simply to work as a pump when water mains were being laid or repaired. The Fire Brigade Museum acquired it from the Metropolitan Water Board in 1936. Today, KBSM have this magnificent machine on long-term loan from the Fire Brigade Museum.

Later on, there was a chap in a top hat playing his “fire tuba” in front of the engine. Most entertaining. I have put a few clips on You Tube, as follows:

Fire Tuba Man.
Steam engines in action and more Fire Tuba Man. (longer clip, somewhat cobbled together).

kew bridge steam museum

kew bridge steam museum

kew bridge steam museum

kew bridge steam museum

kew bridge steam museum

kew bridge steam museum

kew bridge steam museum

kew bridge steam museum

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