3 thoughts on “Women's History

  1. Hello English Historians,
    I have some questions not specifically related to IWD, but I’ve been researching some information for a story I’m working on set in the Georgian Era in England (about 1790) and I would be very appreciative if you wouldn’t mind answering a few specific questions regarding the social standing of an innskeeper (about 5th class, correct?) and his daughter.
    1. Would an innkeeper have servants?
    2. Would it be appropriate for an innskeeper to wake his daughter in the morning, or would a servant do that?
    3. Would an innskeeper’s daughter ever go shopping in a street market to purchase food for the tavern, or would a servant do that?
    4. Did innskeeper’s daughters typically behave in a “morally questionable” way in order to entertain travelers?
    5. Would an innskeeper’s daughter be able to afford a tailored, satin riding habit?
    6. Were inns typically located within a town, or were they isolated along roads where people traveled?
    7. Would a young woman of 3rd or 4th class ever travel alone on a horse, or would she always travel in a coach?
    Again, I would greatly appreciate any information you could give. Thank you!

  2. Hi Susan, thanks for your query. This is fairly deep level and specific social history research that I certainly couldn’t answer quickly and not without spending considerable time on it. The best route I would suggest is to contact established experts in the field such as Catherine Arnold, Amanda Vickery, possibly Dan Cruickshank.

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