Fun, Friendship and The Frolick: a Night to Remember

Last night we held our official launch party at the magnificent Georgian HQ of The Georgian Group in Fitzroy Square, London. It may seem odd that we had a launch party six months into our existence. But, to me it didn’t make sense to celebrate this adventure without people to make it a proper celebration, that is to say: Members.
So now we have quite a lot of members (we need more), and most of them within striking distance of London turned up and a great many who were only just in striking distance too. They were joined by academics, publishers, bloggers, Tweeters, tour guides, authors, museum and heritage professionals, all people who have been fantastically supportive over our first tentative six months and all who have one thing in common: a deep love of London and its history. I would like to thank them all. I would also like to apologise to anyone we failed to invite, entirely oversight on my part due to time pressure of organisation and no slight should be taken, please. It was enormously frustrating too, not to be able to meet every single person to chat, an unfortunate inevitability.
A big thanks to everybody who came, you made the evening a resounding success. Special mentions though to Lesley Cohen who managed the catering; Paul Davey for the photography; Karl and Sue for running the bar; Gabi and Rafi Spangenthal for running around keeping the guests well fed;  Fiona Pretorius for running the book stand.  A very special thank you to Emma Curtis of The Frolick for entertaining us with her beautiful singing. Last and most of all, massive gratitude to Rob Kouyoumdjian of the Georgian Group for immense efforts, cheerfully given, and The Georgian Group for hosting the event in their gorgeous building.
I shall post the full set on Flickr shortly, but for the moment here are some pictures, all by Paul Davey.
london historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch partylondon historians launch party

7 thoughts on “Fun, Friendship and The Frolick: a Night to Remember

  1. Congratulations and best wishes for continuing success.
    It’s good to have a focus for the history of London which is accessible to be professionals and amateurs.

  2. Thanks, ST. I know for a fact that history authors and history pro’s in the dusty halls of academe want to reach a wider audience and that Joe Public history buffs like us wish to broaden and deepen our London history experience. That’s precisely what LH is all about, but much work to do.

    1. Thanks, MG, it would be a great honour. And yes, there will be more bashes, just not sure when on this scale. But we’ll do our best to give you something worth catching the carriage east.

  3. Thank you for organising a really enjoyable night Mike and here’s to London Historian’s successful future.

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